Join the union
Whether you are new to the district, returning to the classroom, or just have not joined the union previously, it is time to join the Visalia Unified Teachers Association!
Some tips to make joining easy:
1.On the initial screen go all the way to the bottom where it asks for an email (skip the part at the top that talks about San Diego and Los Angeles)
2.You will need a personal email address to use, not a school one
3.Our unit is called “Visalia Unified Teachers Association”
4.Full time teachers are Category 1
5.There will be an opt out box where you can opt out of any of your dues going to CTA's political action committee if you so choose.
Membership Benefits
Everything new teachers need when they start working for VUSD. Orientation information & VUTA documents.

Here are some of the benefits of joining:
* Provident Income Protection or Special Provident Life Insurance.
* $1-million personal liability insurance policy through NEA, which has been provided at no additional cost.
* Free life insurance in the amount of the past five-years of NEA membership dues paid.
* Special CTA-provided life insurance that has been provided at no additional cost.
* Access to CTA Legal Services for defense against credential investigations or dismissals, and No free consultation with an attorney on non-job related issues.
* Voting rights on Association business, such as contract ratification and election of officers or representatives.
* Rights to hold office in the Association or to serve as a Faculty Representative.
Points to consider:
* An individual employee would have a difficult time financing the $200 to $350 an hour charge by most lawyers for legal assistance. Every member of a local/CTA/NEA is guaranteed legal aid in times of difficulty.
* An individual employee would have a difficult time locating the necessary research data needed to negotiate improved salaries. CTA/NEA's
* Training & Bargaining Services Department provides the kinds of research that pay bargaining dividends-and it's available on short notice.
* An individual employee would have a difficult time writing school finance legislation teacher retirement legislation, and teacher protection legislation-not to mention finding a legislative sponsor and mounting a lobbying effort. CTA/NEA are working daily in the legislature and Congress to protect teachers' interests. Remember: CTA vs. Gould is paying big dividends for your school district's revenue!
* An individual employee would have a difficult time developing an array of innovative and productive educational improvements. Using CTA/NEA publications, research, and personnel, local associations throughout the nation are improving education.
* An individual employee would have a difficult time developing an array of innovative and productive educational improvements. Using CTA/NEA publications, research, and personnel, local associations throughout the nation are improving education.
* An individual would have a nearly impossible time dealing with credentialing problems, new requirements, and new State laws. CTA provides massive services in this area.
* "It will never happen to me." can happen. Ask the teachers who faced dismissal because of unfair evaluation procedures, or dress codes, or controversial instructional material. They found out what it meant to have the Association behind them with legal and financial assistance. Ask the teachers who have faced lawsuits by parents who are unhappy about their children's education.
* Teachers would not experience the savings and values of group services. Association special services plans such as insurance, travel opportunities, and purchase plans save members more than the cost of their dues. Association publications keep members in touch with education trends across the state and country.
Weingarten Rights
If an employee has a reasonable belief that discipline or other adverse consequences may result from what he or she has to say, the employee has the right to request union representation. When the employee makes the request for a union representative to be present, management has three options:
Stop questioning until representation arrives.
Call off the interview or,
Tell the employee that it will call off the interview unless the employee voluntarily gives up his/her rights to union representation (an option the employee should always refuse).